

高质量的医疗保健是每个人都期待和应得的. 而 quality can mean different things to different people, at North Oaks Health System we use a straightforward definition: doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, to achieve the best possible result 对于每个病人.

To ensure we meet this goal, we continually track our performance in several ways:

  • Report information on our patient outcomes to national organizations that 使用基于科学的医疗实践衡量护理质量
  • Strive to deliver the best patient experience by surveying our patients 出院后
  • Seek certifications and earn recognitions from state and national organizations

Your health, safety, and satisfaction are top priorities at North Oaks, and we want to ensure that we measure up by providing you with the safest, 尽可能提供最高质量的医疗保健. 当你在考虑质量的时候 health care, you can rest assured knowing your community hospital is making 尽一切努力为您提供最优质的护理.


At North Oaks, quality is more than good science—it is our long-standing 体恤关怀的传统. 你快乐对我们来说很重要 对我们的服务很满意.

To ensure we are doing everything we can to provide a comfortable, healing environment, we routinely survey our patients about their experience at 任何北橡树医疗系统的设施.

This helps us know if we live up to our patients’ expectations in how we communicate with them, control their pain, and keep our facilities 安静干净. 这种反馈可以帮助我们了解我们需要改进的地方 我们不应该改变什么.

If you receive a survey from us, please take a few moments and let us know 如果我们符合你对质量的定义.


You can be confident in the expertise and care that North Oaks provides. These awards demonstrate our commitment to excellence and to our community.

北橡树医疗中心, 北橡树康复医院 and North 橡树临终关怀


Maintains accreditation by the Joint Commission and have earned its Gold 认可印章®

北橡树医疗中心 is further certified by the Joint Commission as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center and a recipient of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for advanced 初级卒中中心的认证.


Has maintained accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation 设施(CARF)自1995年以来. 它目前重新获得认可,在线体育投注任何建议 – an accomplishment achieved by only 3 percent of facilities surveyed 在世界范围内. 北橡树康复医院是里面唯一的设施 CARF认证的半径30英里范围内. 它也是carf认证的10个国家之一 路易斯安那州的中风专科项目.


  • Accredited by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation 心脏康复和肺康复
  • Accredited by Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Echocardiography 实验室


Recognized by the American Diabetes Association for Quality Self-management Education

*The American Diabetes Association recognizes this education service as meeting the National Standards for Diabetes Self-management Education.


Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics


Certified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments and accredited by:

  • 血液促进协会 & 生物疗法
  • 美国病理学家学会


Approved by the Louisiana State Nurses Association as a provider of continuing 护理教育


Accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Vascular Testing 在下列地点:

  • 北橡树诊断中心

  • 北橡树-利文斯顿教区医疗中心

  • 北橡树医疗中心

  • 北橡树康复医院

Accreditation also is held through the American College of Radiology in full-field digital 乳房x光检查 (2D) and digital breast tomosynthesis (3D) 乳房x光检查. Full-field digital 乳房x光检查 (2D) and digital breast tomosynthesis (3D) 乳房x光检查 are further certified by the 食物 and Drug Administration.


Verified by the American College of Surgeons and designated by the Louisiana 自2016年起成为卫生部二级创伤中心

For the fourth consecutive year, North Oaks Trauma has earned platinum recognition for its efforts to increase organ, eye and tissue donor registrations 横跨整个美国州.S. 卫生与公众服务部 Health Resources and Service Administration’s Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Organ Donation Campaign in partnership with the Louisiana 器官采购机构(LOPA).

北橡树的女人 & 儿童服务

Achieved the Louisiana Department of Health and Louisiana Perinatal Quality 协作组织的最高称号"路易斯安那准备生育 连续第三年获得“+”. 北橡树的女人 & 孩子们的 服务也被认可:

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana as a Blue Distinction© Center+ 产妇护理

  • 路易斯安那州卫生局授予的最高荣誉 母乳喂养质量称号,礼物

  • March of Dimes and the Louisiana Hospital Association Research and Education 为成功改善生育结果奠定基础


Verified by the American College of Surgeons and designated by the Louisiana 自2016年起成为卫生部二级创伤中心

For the fourth consecutive year, North Oaks Trauma has earned platinum recognition for its efforts to increase organ, eye and tissue donor registrations 横跨整个美国州.S. 卫生与公众服务部 Health Resources and service Administration's Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Organ Donation Campaign in partnership with the Louisiana 器官采购机构(LOPA).


Approved by the Louisiana State Nurses Association as a provider of continuing 护理教育

